sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

Intercambio Epistolar con Michael Hardt

Recuerdos del III Seminario Internacional Antonio Gramsci, Bogotá, 13-14 mayo 2010

Dear Michael,

First of all, thank you for your response. Michael, You won´t need to prepare a new text. Your participation will be around issues Toni and you addressed in Common Wealth. These are the topics you´ll deal with during our dialog:

1. Republic and the Multitude of the Poor. The becoming-prince of the multitude
2. What are Common Wealth and Altermodernity
3. Biopolitical Exploitation and Genealogy of Rebellion
4. Revolution is Monstrous and Revolutionary Assemblages
5. Gramsci: Insurrection and Institution
6. Constituent Governance
7. De Singularitate 2: Instituting Common Happiness, Joy and Love

Based on mi recollection the main thesis of Common Wealth would be that "multitude is a set of singularities that poverty and love compose in the reproduction of the common, but more is required to describe the dynamics and the dispositives of the becoming -Prince of the Multitude...that relies entirely on the immanence of decision making within the multitude".

The topics listed above are the themes that allow you to explain this thesis, or mainly, to have an useful approach to it. It would help in the direction of revolutionize our world and institute a shared common wealth. As you know, this is a Seminar that honored the memory and contribution of Gramsci to communism, revolution and history of the subaltern groups and classes.

This is a critical approach in which Gramsci´s legacy is questioned from very diverse perspectives in the way to help the understanding of what is going on the Andian and Caribbean Region. There are exchanges within intellectuals and groups from Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina and Italy too.

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